
Free For All Walls (F4AW) is a huge public art project transforming urban spaces with large-scale murals. Started in 2012 by artist Daniel Bombardier, F4AW is responsible for more than 50 mural projects in Windsor, ON, Canada. Since its inception in 2012, F4AW’s focus has been to bring beauty and life back to the downtown core, but our vision doesn’t stop there. Downtown Windsor has been the heart and foundation of F4AW, but with your generous support this project has grown into an ongoing city-wide mission.

In September 2023 the mural project returns! Up to 30 new murals will transform some of the city’s most underutilized walls and breathe life into spaces that have been subject to vandalism, neglect, or disrepair. We are also including murals on some key prominent real-estate in high traffic areas. With bigger audiences and more visibility, we can remind our community that Windsor is a world-class city.

Each of these beautiful works will be geographically dependent; we have a seasoned team pairing wall locations with artists and content that connects to the individual sites and specific communities to maximize their impact. The murals these local and globally recognized artists will leave for our community are long-lasting gifts that add character, energy, and beauty to our city!

Alongside the F4AW Mural Project will be a 10-day schedule of music and art and fun events at multiple locations! The Part Art Part Party will be our closing event which is a live art battle and celebration of music. Other events will be a meet and greet with the artists, as well as an all-encompassing mural tour of past/present murals amongst many others to be planned with YOU!